What Are The Benefits Of Using Strata Food Scrap Pick Up Service?

This Service is a great way to reduce your waste and protect the environment. By using this service, you can reduce your carbon footprint and help to keep food scraps out of landfills. The Strata Food Scrap Pick-Up Service is a great way to reduce your food waste. This service will pick up your food scraps and compost them for you. This is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and help the environment.

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Here are mention some benefits of using this service include:

1. Reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills – Food scraps and soiled paper account for a significant portion of the waste sent to landfills each year. By diverting this material from landfill disposal, we can reduce our environmental impact and help extend the life of our landfills.

2. Creating a valuable product – The food scraps and soiled paper collected through this program are turned into high-quality compost that can be used in gardens and landscapes. This helps to close the loop on the nutrient cycle, while also creating a valuable product for gardeners and landscapers.

3. Supporting local agriculture – The use of compost produced from this program helps to fertilize local farmland, which in turn supports our local agricultural industry. This is an important part of creating a sustainable food system in our region.