How Does Dental Invisalign Work?

Invisalign is a clear, custom-made aligner that helps to correct teeth misalignment. The aligner is placed into the teeth on either side of the problem area and gently realigned with a series of small adjustments. Over time, the tooth alignment will improve as the aligner gradually moves. 

Dental Invisalign is one of the most popular orthodontic treatments available today. It's a relatively new technology that uses clear plastic aligners to move teeth in their correct positions. Unlike traditional braces, which require you to wear them for several months at a time, Invisalign can be worn for just a few weeks at a time. This means that it's perfect for people who are busy and don't have the time to spend wearing braces every day.

The aligners use an invisible thread to move your teeth into the correct position. The thread is attached to small, round metal discs that sit just behind your teeth. Over time, these discs slowly move your teeth into the correct position. Because the treatment is so quick and easy, almost everyone can benefit from it.

One of the biggest benefits of Invisalign is that it's reversible. If you decide that you no longer want your teeth moved to their correct positions, you can simply remove the aligners and your dental work will be restored to its original state. This makes it a great option for people who are nervous about having surgery or who are planning on having children in the future.
