The Oral Screening For Mouth Cancer: Things You Ought to Know

Oral screenings for mouth cancer are often performed by dentists in order to detect early signs of cancer. The additional tests may be used by some dentists to detect abnormal cell growth. This type of exam is designed to detect any cancer cells early, which is crucial for any type of treatment. You should seek a dental cleaning appointment  if you want any oral health-related issues.

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Unfortunately, there is no evidence that mouth cancer screenings reduce the chance of dying from it. However, the decision to screen a patient for oral cancer is ultimately up to the dentist and the client. This would depend on the individual risk factors.

Tobacco use in any form is the most dangerous type of mouth cancer. Combining tobacco and alcohol abuse can increase the risk.

Concerning the oral cancer exam

The oral examination involves the dentist examining the entire mouth of the patient and checking for any red or white spots. Dentists use their hands to feel the tissues in their patients' mouths and detect lumps. Inspection and palpation is a method of screening.

While direct inspection and palpation are the most common method for screening for cancer in the mouth or throat, there are other methods that are being evaluated but are still considered experimental.

It is important to understand that there are many types of abnormal growths in our mouths. Not all of them are cancerous. Oral exams can't tell if sores in the mouth are cancerous or not. If a dentist discovers unusual lumps in a patient's mouth they may need to perform further tests to determine the cause.

This is why we can only remove certain cells from the sores to determine if they are cancerous.

Some medical organizations may not be able to confirm oral exams for oral testing. According to the USPSTF (U.S. Preventive Services Task Force), oral cancer testing can be very helpful in identifying oral cancer early on before it becomes a major problem.