Explained: Bed Bug Pest Control

Most people think of bedbugs as a problem of the past. And, until a few years ago they were right. That is not the case today. Bedbugs have again become a problem and they seem to be gaining ground on us.

Bed bugs are small flattened insects that, unlike fleas and ticks, do not require a blood meal to perform their reproductive process. Instead, the source of food for the bug is blood.  This is not usually the case. Bed bugs can be introduced in some of the cleanest locations. They tend to "hitch-hike" in the clothing or luggage of travelers while the person is completely unaware of their presence. In this way, they spread, usually from motels or hotels, into homes.

They are active at night. They tend to feed once every five to ten days. They tend to hide in the folds and mattress seams during the day. They are attracted by carbon dioxide in the breath of a sleeping host. 

After dusk, when everything is calm, they come out, collect their meal and return to their rest areas. The bite is completely painless because they have a small amount of analgesic in their saliva. For this reason bedbugs are not considered a medical threat.

